Michelle van Logten
my projects.
"Somewhere between the thousands of perler beads, piles of fluffy fabrics and countless markers, I manage to find that one thing that I needed for my project."
That describes me perfectly. My name is Michelle, a young artist who doesn't back away from a big project. On the contrary, I love doing big projects in which different types of materials and art forms come together. It doesn't matter whether it's crayons, fabrics, digital art, ink, perler beads or glitter. And since daydreaming is like a main character in my own story, "fantasy" is my favorite theme to make projects about.
I am currently in my third year of Illustrated and Animated Storytelling at the St. Joost Art academy. Whenever I am not working on either school projects or my own projects, I am taking care of the horses at the barn, or walking the dog. Combining my passion for art and taking care of my animals, sounds like the perfect combination to me!